AALNC Webpages

Friday, October 8, 2010

AALNC Announces Joint Webinar with DRI

Hello Everyone,
I am thrilled to announce that AALNC and DRI will be doing a joint webinar on Tuesday November 9, 2010.  The webinar "Legal Issues in Wound Care Cases in the Present on Admission Era" will feature an LNC speaker from AALNC and an attorney speaker from DRI.  Diane Krasner, RN PhD, is the wound care nurse expert representing AALNC as the LNC speaker.  Dr. Krasner is a frequent speaker on wound issues, both internationally and in the US.  She has given presentations at past AALNC conferences, including the 2010 National Education Conference in Pittsburgh earlier this year. 

I would like to thank Dr. Krasner for assisting us with this important initiative with DRI.  As you may be aware, one of our key goals at the national level has been to increase awareness of the legal nurse consulting profession and AALNC through the Attorney Awareness Initiative.  We have been working to build a strategic alliance with DRI and have been in discussions with their leadership.  Developing joint educational projects is one of the many ways in which we can work together.  This webinar is the first in what I hope will be a series of joint educational events with them. 

Please mark your calendars and plan to attend.  Watch for more details from HQ, including the exact timing of the presentation and registration information. 


Karen J. Huff, BSN RN LNCC
AALNC President