AALNC Webpages

Thursday, February 21, 2013

2013-HERE WE GO!

A delayed Happy New Year must mean we are at full speed working for your organization. So you wonder what is the latest news we can share? Outstanding accomplishments include the completion of the ANCC accreditation ... a success. Our webinar series for the LNCC certification has been very well received with two sessions already completed and 1 for each remaining month of the year. The Forum for 2013 in Chicago is going very well with our registration numbers-remember we have sold out the last two years! I hope to see many of you there in person. We will be exhibiting at NTI, the Critical Care Nurses conference in Boston May 21-23. This is an ongoing part of our awareness initiative to collaborate with other nursing specialties. There has been a continued effort to revise the Scope & Standards as well as create our Core Competencies in a meaningful format for you. We are revising our On Line Course to better serve you with tasks, assignments and updated material. You will be seeing our Willingness to Serve form in the near future. This gives you the opportunity to consider giving of yourself for the betterment of the organization. Where does your interest take you: research, journal writing, educational products, publications, standards- a few of the opportunities that exist. Every day I am asked the question how do I make contact and become more involved? Volunteering helps the organization and yourself. If you are seeking work as an LNC this is an excellent way to have exposure to others who may need your services. We are already looking forward to the 2014 Forum!  The location will be announced on site in Chicago. How about sharing your wealth of knowledge and consider speaking at the Forum? The energy from the audience is a great feeling as you share your expertise. Perhaps you know of a speaker that we should know about? Let us know and our dynamic Forum committee will follow up on your suggestions. I am always available for questions and suggestions. Thank you for allowing me to serve you as President.
Sharon smcquown@flbranson.com.