AALNC Webpages

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Legal nurse consultants at trial

Dear AALNC Members,

We, as legal nurse consultants, know the value we can bring to medical legal cases and claims.  Attorneys who have worked with skilled LNCs also recognize and appreciate us as crucial assets and vital members of the legal team.

Take, for example, the recent bellwether product liability trial involving Ethicon transvaginal tape obturator (TVT-O) system.  This case resulted in a $3.27M verdict!  AALNC Director-at-Large Debbie Pritts, an in-house, board-certified LNCC© for Wexler Wallace LLP, was an integral member of plaintiff’s legal team in the courtroom.  Her contributions played a direct role in their favorable outcome.

Another example, on the defense side, is a recent dental malpractice trial in which I assisted my firm, Fontaine Alissi PC.  Plaintiff alleged that a routine dental procedure caused him to suffer the onset of trigeminal neuralgia and asked the jury to award nearly $3M.  A defendant’s verdict was returned after only a few hours of deliberation!

What recent success has one of your attorney-clients celebrated?  How did you add value and contribute to that favorable outcome?

Julie Dickinson
President, AALNC

Monday, September 8, 2014

AALNC & ALNCCB board meetings

Dear AALNC Members,

This past weekend, the AALNC Board of Directors and the ALNCCB (certification board) met in Chicago for their respective in-person board meetings.  Each board had an exciting and productive weekend full of thoughtful analysis, brainstorming, and strategic planning.

In addition to several exciting announcements that will be forthcoming in the next few weeks, we are thrilled with the initiatives we’ve planned for 2015, and we cannot wait to share those with you!!  These initiatives are aimed to further the association’s strategic goals, assist members to be successful in their practice, and continue positioning AALNC as the premiere association for legal nurse consultants.

Pictured below is the AALNC Board at the end of this energizing weekend!  Please see http://www.aalnc.org/?page=BoardofDirectors and http://www.aalnc.org/page/ALNCCCertBoard/
for more information about the AALNC and ALNCCB boards.

What recent AALNC program/initiative have you been most excited about and how has it assisted you in your practice?  I’m interested in your comments, so please share your thoughts!

Julie Dickinson
President, AALNC