AALNC Webpages

Thursday, December 12, 2013


As you know, we are in the midst of our 2014 membership drive. Our Director of Education, Headquarters Staff, Board of Directors and other volunteer leaders and committee members have been working very hard the past few years to provide you with new high quality educational resources and networking opportunities to assist you in your LNC practice.


For 2014 we have increased member benefits and widened the price gap of our educational resources for members vs non-members. AALNC exists solely for the purpose of educating LNCs and advancing our specialty practice within the legal, medical and insurance communities. Please consider supporting our efforts by renewing your membership or becoming a new member and volunteering your time.


Recently I received the wonderful email below from Barbara Hampe, one of AALNC’s founding members. I am sharing it with you (with permission) because I hope it will inspire everyone to get involved in some way in AALNC. I cannot say it any better!


Best wishes for a peaceful and joyful holiday season!




From: barbara hampe

Sent: Sunday, December 08, 2013 12:43 PM

To: Elizabeth K Zorn

Subject: AALNC


I am one of the original steering committee members of AALNC and former treasurer.


I want to take a moment and let all know how proud I am of AALNC members.  What a wonderful job everyone has done in developing an association that is so well respected. 


AALNC is such a great example of what a small core of people can do that effects change.  I encourage every member to take a step forward, stand by their convictions and passions and give their talents back to AALNC.   




Barbara Hampe