AALNC Webpages

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Holiday Season 2012

The end of the year is almost upon us. This gives us time for reflection and thanks. This past two months has seen several events: finalization of our 2013 budget with a focus on our strategic plan, opening of registration for our Forum 2013 in Chicago, our new LNCC Review webinar series beginning in a few weeks, our ongoing webinar offerings, representation at the recent Alliance Nursing meeting in Tennessee and the Nomination committee interviewing and discussing the men and women who may be future leaders for your organization. Think of all the events in your life over the last year and reflect on where you are personally and professionally. I have been someone who was raised on the thought of volunteerism. Whether it was in Girl Scouts, candy striping or my high school alma mater where our motto is "Serviam", service to others-I volunteer. It has brought me a richness of professional and personal friends, contacts I use in my work on frequent basis and a sense that I contributed. At this time I wish to thank the staff the BOD works with daily: Kevin our executive director, Kristin our operations manager, the remainder of our staff and the BOD themselves- Karen, Beth, Julie, Kathy, Moniaree and Marianne. Some of these ladies have been serving you for several years working their commitments in with work and family obligations. We need to thank them. I want to also extend a thanks to David Schmahl the EVP + Chief Executive, Healthcare & Scientific Industry Practices. David has worked with us and has a vested interest in our organization. Through a cohesive approach our organization has done well this year and has an exciting future ahead. So how about you the reader out there?? Do you have an interest in learning, viewing a more global picture and networking on an even greater level? Then consider giving of your time and talent. In closing, for the holiday you choose to celebrate, I hope it is blessed. Sharon